Great News!

The Association has started a Gift Card Program for its members. You have seen them on display at the big national retail chains, and most likely, you have even bought and received them as gifts yourself, but did you know high-quality, high-profit Gift Card systems are now available to our members?


  • Gift Cards are often the most profitable square foot of selling space in the store.
  • Members report sales increase two to ten times over paper gift certificates.
  • Cash flow is enhanced by collecting payment prior to delivery of product or services.
  • Cards continually build brand awareness and customer loyalty as “billboards” in the wallet. Essentially, your store becomes a destination.
  • Easy to activate and use by both merchant and customer.
  • Can be used to handle merchandise returns for store credit, which keeps cash in store.
  • the average value for gift cards has gone up from $44 from the previous year to $50.
  • #1 reason for buying a gift card is now birthdays.
  • Consumers buy Gift Cards on impulse from displays near the check-out counter.
  • Most Gift Card recipients make more than one trip to the store to use up the value of their card.

The Lawn & Garden Dealers Association has two programs. Both programs are designed for members who are looking for a market-proven, easy to implement, and low-cost way to get started selling Gift Cards.


Standard Package

Premium Package

Minimum Cards: 100 1000
Custom Design: None Yes ($75 artwork, $100 color set-up)
Cost Per Card: 50 Cents 50 Cents
Monthly: Minimum: None None
Statement Fee: $10 (optional) None
Transaction Fee: 20 Cents $25 a month (includes 4,000 a year and 15 cents
in excess)
Set Up Fee: $50 $50